; Simple Gallery make file core = "7.x" api = "2" ; comment this out in to use on drupal.org ; If you are unable to download Drupal using drush make ; for a reason to do with hashes not matching simply ; alter the below line to read "7" rather than "7.x" projects[drupal][version] = "7.x" ; Modules projects[ctools][version] = "1.2" projects[ctools][subdir] = "contrib" projects[profiler_builder][version] = "1.0-rc3" projects[profiler_builder][subdir] = "contrib" projects[features][version] = "2.0-beta1" projects[features][subdir] = "contrib" projects[views][version] = "3.5" projects[views][subdir] = "contrib" projects[simple_gallery_feature][type] = "module" projects[simple_gallery_feature][download][type] = "get" projects[simple_gallery_feature][download][url] = http://www.adammalone.net/sites/default/files/simple_gallery_feature.tar projects[simple_gallery_feature][subdir] = features projects[simple_gallery][type] = "profile" projects[simple_gallery][download][type] = "get" projects[simple_gallery][download][url] = http://www.adammalone.net/sites/default/files/simple_gallery.tar ; Themes